User Awareness Training

The Leading Cyber Security and Training Firm for Small Business

Who is Cyber Guys?

Cyber Guys is a comprehensive solution to small businesses to take the next step in improving their cyber posture. We are not a once-off solution, we work with you long term to understand your organisational risk, and help with deploying technical and business solutions to your three biggest risks - your people, your processes and technology.

The Value of User Awareness Training in Cyber Security

Modern businesses are comprised of people, processes, and technology. Effectively securing a business requires resiliency in all three areas, as neglecting one creates vulnerabilities, providing easy access for attackers to quickly undo all the hard work and resources invested into the other areas.

Traditionally, IT focused on the process and technology areas of cybersecurity that came naturally to technologists, such as intrusion prevention systems, firewalls, endpoint protection, multi-factor authentication, self-service password resetting, and identity management.

However, the people area, which is based on soft skills such as building user awareness and implementing training curriculums have often lagged in terms of focus and priority.

This growing gap between the security of technology, and the resiliency of people has pushed threat actors to focus on human vulnerabilities, with between 85% and 90% of cyber attacks in 2021 beginning with social engineering techniques aimed at exploiting user behaviour.

Given the changing nature of cyber threats, modern businesses and IT providers alike can no longer afford to put their heads in the sand regarding their users’ cybersecurity awareness and skills.

Cyber Crime cost Australian companies $2 billion in 2021

This works out to approximately $33,000 per small business. Could you afford the financial, technical or reputational cost if your business was compromised by a cyber attack?

Modern Threats

The primary cyber threats faced every day by employees are phishing attacks. Phishing is a form of social engineering used to steal data or compromise usernames and passwords of employees. An attacker will send an email, instant message, text message or social media message impersonating a trustworthy source, such as a reputable business or even another employee.

Their intent is to trick the recipient into clicking on a malicious link to either install malware such as ransomware or provide details which would allow the attacker to gain access to corporate data and circumvent other cybersecurity defences. Once access is established, it is generally a matter of time before a data breach occurs, which can be devastating to a business.

In these credential-based attacks, the employee is the first and most effective line of defence, as technical solutions may not identify attackers using legitimate employee credentials to access and steal corporate data.

Similarly, business email compromise attacks, in which attackers appear as legitimate contacts and request for the business to update supplier or employee bank details to divert legitimate payments, are rarely detectable by technical solutions. This leaves the cybersecurity knowledge of employees as the only form of defence for the business. Due to their ability to avoid technical defence solutions, and the low level of cybersecurity training found in many organisations, business email compromise attacks are now the leading cause of cybercrime losses for Australian businesses.

Evaluating the ROI of any cybersecurity investment can be challenging and viewing it through the same lens as traditional IT investments gives incorrect results. Traditional IT investments, such as a new website, drive business productivity and revenue, so their ROI can be determined based on costs vs. additional sales generated. Cybersecurity investment, however, provides risk mitigation. It should protect existing productivity and revenue, rather than create it.

Cybersecurity is best viewed similarly to physical security measures. Locks and alarms on a warehouse will not provide a direct revenue increase, but they protect profitability by preventing break-ins and theft. Cybersecurity investments work in the same way.

Cybersecurity training provides risk mitigation against many forms of cyber threat—business email compromise, ransomware, and data breaches are the three most costly. While average costs are available for each of these types of attack, they heavily depend on business size and revenue. When determining the ROI of cybersecurity training, a business should determine the likelihood and estimated cost of each of these attack vectors in consultation with a cyber risk specialist.

Assessing ROI on a training curriculum

Receive user training from a cyber security company with first hand experience in combatting cyber crime

We offer two types of cyber user awareness training

In-Person Training

Are you concerned about the rising cyber threats targeting businesses like yours? Do you want to ensure your team possesses the skills and knowledge to protect your organization's sensitive data? Our highly effective In-Person User Awareness Training program is designed to empower your employees with the necessary cybersecurity skills.

Why Choose In-Person User Awareness Training?
In today's digital landscape, cybercriminals are constantly adapting their tactics to exploit unsuspecting users. The most powerful defence against these threats is a well-informed and vigilant team. While online training modules have their place, nothing beats the engagement and interaction that comes with in-person training. Our program delivers:
1. Real-Life Simulations: Through interactive exercises, your team will face simulated cyber threats, empowering them to recognize and respond to phishing attempts, social engineering techniques, and other common attack vectors. This hands-on experience ensures they can effectively safeguard your organization's valuable assets.
2. Tailored Content: We understand that every organization has unique cybersecurity challenges. Our experienced trainers will work with you to tailor the training content to address your specific needs and industry regulations. This targeted approach ensures that your team learns practical skills that can be immediately applied to their roles.
3. Improved Employee Engagement: Classroom-style training fosters an environment of collaboration, allowing your employees to learn from each other's experiences and share best practices. By investing in in-person training, you demonstrate a commitment to their professional development, resulting in improved employee morale and loyalty.
4. Elevated Learning Experience: In-person training provides your team with access to subject matter experts who can answer questions in real-time and provide immediate feedback. Our trainers have extensive experience in the cybersecurity field and will ensure that your employees stay up to date with the latest industry trends and best practices.
5. Hands-On Tools and Resources: Participants will receive valuable takeaways, including reference materials, cheat sheets, and best practice guidelines. These resources will serve as valuable references long after the training session ends, reinforcing the lessons learned and keeping cybersecurity at the forefront of their minds.

Module Training

Protect Your Business with Module Cyber Security Training!
In today's increasingly digital world, cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and prevalent. Without proper training, your business could be left vulnerable to hackers, malware, ransomware, and other malicious cyber activities. That's why investing in cyber security training is crucial to staying one step ahead of these threats.

Our Module Cyber Security Training offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to equip you and your team with the necessary skills to navigate the complex world of cyber security. Here's what sets our training apart from the rest:
1. Customizable Modules: Our training program is tailored to your specific needs. We understand that every business is unique, so we offer a range of modules that can be customized to address your specific vulnerabilities and industry requirements. Whether you need training on network security, data protection, or incident response, we've got you covered.
2. Interactive Learning: We believe that effective learning happens through active participation. Our training incorporates interactive elements such as simulations, case studies, and hands-on exercises. This ensures that concepts are not only understood but can also be applied in real-world scenarios, giving you a competitive edge against cyber threats.
3. Expert Instructors: Our team of expert instructors brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of cyber security. They have worked with various industries, tackling complex security challenges. They will guide you and your team through the training process, providing practical insights and answering all your questions along the way.
4. Latest Industry Trends: Our training is constantly updated to reflect the latest trends and advancements in the cyber security landscape. We understand that cyber threats evolve rapidly, and our training keeps pace with these changes. You can rest assured that you will receive the most up-to-date information and strategies to protect your business.
5. Cost-Effective Solution: Investing in cyber security training for your team is a wise financial decision. It is far more cost-effective than dealing with the aftermath of a cyber attack or a data breach. By proactively equipping your employees with the right skills, you can significantly reduce the risk of a devastating cyber incident and its associated financial impact.

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The Cyber Essentials Portal is a great place to start on your comprehensive small business cyber journey!

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